Monday, May 18, 2009

Oh hi, remember me? Apes have just evolved into humans. I'm back! After a sudden hiatus for 2 months.

The last time I've blogged was the during the start of my Industrial Attachment Programme(IAP in short, cheap labour to put it crudely). Been wanting to blog, but was too lazy/tired/uninspired blah blah blah to do so.

So why am I back? Simply because i-am-too-bored-in-my-office.

Photocopy machine went down on the office, so I can't use it to scan my ancient document that could well, exist in the 'Qin Shi Huang' era? *comtemplating for some ancient scrolls, blows off dust* WTF?! Calibration report? Oh well, reality has never be kind to me. Been here for 10 weeks already, and counting. 2 weeks left before I wave byebye to NYP. 12 days left, 9 working days left. I must admit that time passed expeditiously(boring exepdition), due to the Shut down days "offered generously" by the company.

Let's see,

out of 16 working days in March, i had 4 days off.
out of 22 working days in April, I had 2 days off.

Now comes to May, after a week long holiday for 1st-10th May, I still have one last shut down day on the 25th! To top it off, I took off days to prolong the "holidays" I was entitled to.

Miserable pay coupled with shut down days, my salary could maybe hire at least one bangala worker. Obviously they would be a better choice as they are more hardworking. No girls for them to ogle at in this factory though, unless they are so desperate for *cough* aunties *cough*.

Well enough for IAP, let's move on to life.

Let's see, since March, we have April babies' birthday and receiving government's everlasting love declaration towards me. *shimmering eyes* Tekong, here I come! -.-

In case some of you do not know(if you guys are even checking back for dust), I'm enlisted for Tekong BMTC school 2 on 22nd June. Well, for 5.5 days in the damned island doing damned stuffs like recreational activities and static exercise, like wtf? Oh well, I'm graded PES E1L9 afterall. Be glad that I get to book out everyday.

Now, Guitar Hero has really caught me up. I am going to purchase it and rock down my roof! Literally speaking, I would die from concrete falling on me soon. Ok, not funny. Let's move on.

Where's the Guitar Hero's picture? I can't find it after adding.

Waiting for my next pathetic pay to arrive, and I will get it. With that, I will have like, all types of guitars in my room? Electric, Folk, Classical and Simulated. Cool! Can't wait to lay my hands on Guitar Hero!

Student Performance Evaluation(SPE) next week. I still can't get over my nervousness on stage performing. I remembered the previous time I had my SPE, my legs was trembling while I'm seated on the stool and I think that it might had caused a faint effect on my guitar(tremolo effect). Had a pre-evaluation by my instructor last Friday and I literally butchered it up. Oh, joy...

nap time is coming soon....


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